

This website and an accompanying e-book/PDF has been created and enabled by the UK Nepal Friendship Society, with funding support from the UK National Lottery’s Heritage Lottery Fund. You can access the e-book/PDF here.

The webite is part of a broader HLF funded UK Nepali Community Cultural & Social Heritage project facilitated and enabled by the UKNFS with support from experts, community leaders and respected members of thec UK Nepali community and other friends of that community. You can read about the main UK Nepali heritage project, that also includes an accompanying e-book/PDF, at https://nepaliculturalheritage.com/


This section of the website is important to study as it provides introduction to the site’s main sections Culture, and Dishes pages,(and in the case of the latter the website’s Ingredients/health section too):

Overview by information resource compiler and editor, UK Nepal Friendship Society CEO and writer (Culture Smart – Nepal, 2nd Edition), Alan Mercel-Sanca

Introduction by information resource main content contributor, Deepak Tamrakar

Dedications / Formal notes of Best wishes – including by the Prime Minister of Nepal and Nepal’s Minister of Culture & Tourism, and the Ambassador of Nepal to the UK, and senior UK Nepali community organisations representatives  

Review by Award-winning Indian food expert TV chef and food columnist Sarah Ali Choudhury

About / introduction

Structure of the book, and how to use its content

Content contributors, and attributions & thanks + Note on images used

Contact / enquiries: Please email ‘uknfs.contact@gmail/com’ indicating nature of enquiry.

Our approach has been to look at Nepali cuisine from a specifically home cooking (rather than eat out / restaurant sectors) perspective, with principal audiences being UK and broader Western people who know very little about this wonderful traditional and contemporary multi-faceted healthy, delicious, nutritious South Asian cuisine.

We also hope the Foods of Nepal: Home-made Nepali Cuisine & More, website, and accompanying book/e-book — ‘Traditional & Contemporary Nepali Home Cooking: Discovering a Little Known but Important South Asia Cuisine’ — will provide a basis for UK and European (Ireland and mainland Europe/EU) culinary schools and colleges to embrace Nepali traditional and contemporary authentic home cookery as a major UK South Asian cuisine, incorporating its study in to their curricula. 

In addition, knowledge of authentic Nepali home-cooked food, which has always informed to some extent the menus of our British Nepali restaurants, will make visiting the latter a richer experience, and excite interest to visit Nepal and enjoy these delicious special dishes and types of food in the land of their origin. Food tourism is certainly a de-facto major element to all international travel, ranking alongside the cultural arts, and often leaving life-long passions for and enjoyment of the types of food tasted when abroad.

Before reading the content of our website, whose compilation, content and the research enabling its creation and the parallel book/e-book, has been enabled by the Heritage Lottery Fund, we ask you to take the to read all of the pages listed abive, including especially the supportive dedications, overview, review and introduction.

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